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MY GLORY - “My glory must be revealed. The light of My glory brings the light of understanding and sets the captives free. In the light of My presence is clarity. I want to impart clear creative displays of My glory and My Divine Design. Testimonies, Truth and Evidence. Mind freeing mechanisms. This is a battle for the minds of men. By My Spirit I bring focus and the ability to see clearly. The light of My power and My presence is seen in My Creation and all that I touch. Your obedience to bring forth its detail will set the captives free and dissipate the powers of darkness. I say to you again, this is a battle for the minds of men. Bold beautiful displays of My love, My power, My beauty, and My wisdom. I, My glory, I will draw all men to Me. Who is like the LORD your God? My love will captivate those who have been trapped in chains of darkness. The light of My love and acceptance attracts the hungry heart. Many are lost and alone, even while being surrounded by the world. My Children will be conduits if My love, plugged into My Spirit bringing living water to the thirsty dry bones. They will speak My love and witness the resurrection of a nation. This is My will and it is for My glory, which I give to you My beloved Children. The God of heaven surrounds you even now. Look to Me and I will instruct its detail. Pay attention with your life to the One who holds the detail of divine design and your destiny. Consider the details of the smallest structures of life. My divine design permeates and saturates with orderly wisdom too great for man to conceive. Trust that the organism of your life is no different.”

- Love, journal entry, Troi Cockayne

“Declare His glory among the nations, His wonderful deeds among all peoples.”

Psalm 96:3

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