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The greatest need

Receiving the hug from God is the first step.

“THE GREATEST NEED of the human heart is to be truly loved.

Hopelessness, loneliness and depression lead many to despairing of life itself. Sadly, suicide is at heartbreaking levels.

Six years ago in the midst of my own crushing circumstance, I found myself in such desperate brokenness that I begged God to take my life. My compromised christianity and my Sunday 'boxed' Jesus was not enough to raise me from my own dark pit. I needed a real Savior. Groping around in tears, desperate for any light of hope...two things mattered most to me in that season:

1) Does God really exist?

2) Does God really care about me personally?

I felt that if the answer to those two questions was 'yes', I would be able to make it. What I would discover in the depths of my broken heart was the hugging presence of True Love(Jesus) meeting my desperate cries for help. My greatest discovery has now become my greatest mission, to lead as many people as I can to the same "living experience" of True Love.”

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